Member Exclusive: NPD’s 2021 Global Toy Market Report Now Available

June 15, 2022 | The NPD Group’s Global Toy Market Report: Annual 2021 Data is now available exclusively to Toy Association members.

Global toy sales reached $104.2 billion in 2021, posting an 8.5 percent growth over 2020, according to the report. The data also highlights global market size and growth trends from 2016 to 2021; global market size by region, including North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and Oceana, over the same five-year period; annual spend per child by region; and licensed toy share based on NPD total country coverage.

“These findings will help our members map out their business strategies in the years ahead,” said Anne McConnell, senior director of market research & data strategy at The Toy Association. “Gaining an understanding of toy industry growth globally and regionally over a 5-year period, compared to 2021 and to pre-pandemic levels, can be especially insightful for members exploring expansion opportunities.”

Members may contact The Toy Association’s Anne McConnell to request a copy of the report.