(for ages 5+)


  • A large, empty can or bucket to be kicked

Prep Time:

  • 2 minutes

Recipe for Fun!

Choose one person to be “IT” and a "home base" for the children to gather (when playing outside, a fire hydrant or familiar tree are great spots). Place the can in a safe, open space. To start, have IT count to 50 with his/her eyes closed while the other players hide. Upon opening their eyes, IT should start searching for the hiders. When IT finds a hider, he/she calls out the player's name and that player goes to jail (home base). Another player can risk capture to save jailbirds by kicking over the can and calling out "Home Free" without getting tagged by IT, after which the jailbirds are free to run and hide from IT again. The game continues until everyone has been captured. If jailbreaks keep the game going too long, the first person caught 3 times becomes IT and a new game begins.