The Toy Association Welcomes 80+ New Members

December 3, 2021 | As the organization advocates in the interests of its members amid the ongoing pandemic and shipping crisis, The Toy Association has welcomed 82 new member companies throughout the second half of 2021.

These companies join the Association’s nearly 1,000 members, comprised of manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and others that drive the $32 billion U.S. domestic toy market and other key markets around the world.

The Toy Association’s new members include:

“We want to wish each of our new members a warm welcome to The Toy Association,” said Ken Ebeling, executive vice president of strategic development and member services. “We work to serve their needs and help them find success in this constantly evolving global toy market. Our channels of communication are wide open to any members who may need assistance.”

Toy Association members enjoy a wide range of benefits including programs, events, services, and tools that bring them greater prosperity in the U.S. and overseas. Toy companies looking to join now can contact Bernadette Boyle, The Toy Association’s director of member services, for more information.