As an organization that is focused on children and the value of play, The Toy Association models the highest level of responsible behavior in its own daily activities and encourages the appropriate and honorable actions of its members in all their business affairs. The Toy Association’s MEMBER CODE OF CONDUCT fosters an environment of upstanding performance by articulating the following set of guiding principles.
Code of Conduct
Nothing is more important to the toy industry than the safety of children and the trust of their parents. As such, members of The Toy Association pledge their commitment to responsible corporate behavior and, along with their employees and divisions, endeavor to adhere to the following principles:
- Product Safety.
To market only products that comply with applicable safety standards, exercise due diligence in regard to the safety of its products and take effective actions necessary to assure the safety of consumers.
- Ethical Manufacturing.
To apply appropriate ethical standards in the factories used for the manufacture of toy products where applicable. To declare compliance with the principles contained in the Ethical Toy Program and it is the members’ intention in relation to toy products to have those products manufactured by factories that are in the Ethical Toy Program or by factories that meet the requirements of i) another recognized social compliance organization or ii) another code of an equivalent or greater standard.
- Intellectual Property.
To recognize and respect the intellectual property rights of others.
- Advertising and Marketing.
To assure that its advertising and marketing, in whatever form, is truthful and conforms with established codes and guidelines, and to advocate for sound and sensible measures to protect children’s privacy and safety online.
- Environmental Protection and Sustainability.
To practice good stewardship of the environment by working to reduce the environmental impact of its operations and increase the sustainability of its products through the promotion of pollution reduction, efficient resource utilization, recycling and/or other needs where appropriate.
- Non-Discrimination.
To treat its employees, suppliers, customers and business associates with fairness, respect and dignity and without discrimination on the basis of race, creed, gender, age or sexual orientation.
- Business Practices.
To practice honesty and integrity in all business dealings and be truthful and avoid misrepresentations in all statements.
- Development and Philanthropy
To foster the development of children and to support, as appropriate, efforts that provide children of all circumstances with an opportunity to enjoy the thrill of a new toy and experience the joy of play.