Global Sales Data


Global toy sales reached $108.7 billion in 2023, posting a -2% decline over 2022, as sales ‘normalized’ after exceptional growth linked to the pandemic. Compound Annual Growth Rate for the global toy market was 3% over the five-year period since 2018.

To learn more about global toy sales or to obtain a free copy of Circana's Global Toy Report, Annual 2023. Toy Association members may contact Anne McConnell, senior director of market research & data strategy.

Global Toy Market Size

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 vs 2022
Compound Annual
Growth Rate (CAGR)
Since 2018
Total in $BN $92.7 $92.9 $98.5 $108.9 $110.8 $108.7 -2% +3%

Source: Circana, The Global Toy Report, Annual 2023. Published with permission of Circana by The Toy Association. 

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